Redex Synth Pass Example

The code and artifacts for this example are on GitHub.

The synth optimizations attempt to remove synthetic methods and wrappers. This improves performance by making access to field values faster and it also reduces code size because the definition and invocation of synthetic methods is eliminated.

Removing synthetic methods for accessing static fields

This directory contains an Android Studio 1.5 project that illustrates how a wrapper synthetic method is removed by Redex. The contrived example is a simple Android application which makes use of this class:

package com.facebook.redex.examples.synth;
public class Alpha {
private static int alpha;
public Alpha(int initialValue) {
alpha = initialValue;
public class Beta {
public int doubleAlpha() {
return 2 * alpha;

The key thing to note here is that there is an inner class Beta which has a method doubleAlpha which accesses a private static field alpha of its outer class Alpha. A dump of the Dex bytecode for the Alpha class confirms that the alpha field is private and static.

Static fields -
#0 : (in Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha;)
name : 'alpha'
type : 'I'
access : 0x000a (PRIVATE STATIC)

Java compilers will implement accesses] to this field from inner classes by generating a synthetic getter method to allow the inner class to access the private field of the outer class. We can see the automatically generated synthetic method access$000 if we examine the Dex bytecode for the Alpha class:

Class #597 -
Class descriptor : 'Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha;'
#1 : (in Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha;)
name : 'access$000'
type : '()I'
access : 0x1008 (STATIC SYNTHETIC)
code -
registers : 1
ins : 0
outs : 0
insns size : 3 16-bit code units
065f14: |[065f14] com.facebook.redex.examples.synth.Alpha.access$000:()I
065f24: 6000 070b |0000: sget v0, Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha;.alpha:I // field@0b07
065f28: 0f00 |0002: return v0

This generated synthetic method can be accessed by the inner class which keeps the JVM happy. All it does is to read the state field value using an sget instruction and return the read value. This synthetic wrapper is used in the implementation of doubleAlpha:

Virtual methods -
#0 : (in Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha$Beta;)
name : 'doubleAlpha'
065ed8: |[065ed8] com.facebook.redex.examples.synth.Alpha.Beta.doubleAlpha:()I
065ee8: 7100 1118 0000 |0000: invoke-static {}, Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha;.access$000:()I // method@1811
065eee: 0a00 |0003: move-result v0
065ef0: da00 0002 |0004: mul-int/lit8 v0, v0, #int 2 // #02
065ef4: 0f00 |0006: return v0

For the doubleAlpha method in the inner class Beta to access the private static field of the enclosing class an invoke-static call is made to the synthetic wrapper method access$000.

Here is an example of the doubleAlpha method being used from a simple Android application:

package com.facebook.redex.examples.synth;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
textView.setText("Redex Synth Example\n");
Alpha a = new Alpha(12);
Alpha.Beta b = Beta();
textView.append("Double Alpha(12) = " + b.doubleAlpha() + "\n");

If we examined the Dex bytecode for the call to doubleAlpha we would see something like this which shows a virtual call to the doubleAlpha method:

Direct methods -
#0 : (in Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/MainActivity;)
name : 'onCreate'
065fb6: 6e10 0f18 0100 |0031: invoke-virtual {v1}, Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha$Beta;.doubleAlpha:()I // method@180f

After running Redex the synthetic wrapper method will be removed and the code for accessing the alpha static field will be inlined into the code for the main activity:

Direct methods -
#0 : (in Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/MainActivity;)
name : 'onCreate'
07f246: 6005 4d06 |0031: sget v5, Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha;.alpha:I // field@064d
07f24a: da05 0502 |0033: mul-int/lit8 v5, v5, #int 2 // #02

To make the access of the alpha field legal for the Dalvik VM we have mutated the access permissions for this field:

Static fields -
#0 : (in Lcom/facebook/redex/examples/synth/Alpha;)
name : 'alpha'
type : 'I'
access : 0x0009 (PUBLIC STATIC)

Similar optimizations exist for other synthetic wrapper scenarios e.g. for instance fields.

Example Code

The project in the synth-example directory can be opened with Android Studio 1.5 and contains the sample here that illustrates the removal of synthetic wrappers for static private fields.

The Makefile in this directory can be used once you have build a signed: APK (Build : Generate Signed APK...) to produce the following items:

  • synth-example-release-redex.apk: A Redex optimized version of the original APK.
  • classes.dump: A dump of the Dex bytecode for the input APK synth-example-release.apk.
  • classes-redex.dump: A dump of the Redex optimizd APK synth-example-release-redex.apk.

The environment variable ANDROID_TOOLS should be set to the location of your Android SDK tools directory.

To produce these items:

$ make clean all
Last updated on 2/27/2019 by Jez Ng